Basic Information


  • * Amount ($):

I am a current member of AAPA.
I am a United States Citizen or Permanent Resident Alien (green card holder residing legally in the United States).
This contribution is made on a personal credit card from my own funds, and not those of another, nor is it made from the funds of a corporation or labor organization.
I am at least 18 years old.
I am contributing to the AAPA political action committee, PA PAC. Prior to contributing, I affirm I am aware that:
* PA PAC may only accept personal contributions from current AAPA members and employees of AAPA.
* contributions to PA PAC are used for political purposes and subject to the prohibitions and limitations of the Federal Election Campaign Act.
* Federal law requires PA PAC to use its best efforts to collect and report the name, address, occupation and employer of individuals whose contributions aggregate $200 or more per calendar year

* my decision to contribute is voluntary and I am free to refuse to contribute without reprisal; the suggested giving levels are merely for convenience; I am free to contribute more (to a maximum of $5,000) or less than the guidelines suggested; and
* contributions to PA PAC are not tax deductible.

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